Home Buyers
- What
is an Independent Inspector?
- What
is a Pre-Purchase Home Inspection?
- Why
do I need a home inspection?
- Can
a house fail the inspection?
- Should
I be at the Inspection?
- How
does the inspector review the house?
- When
do I call the home inspector?
- Who
gets a copy of the Home Inspection Report?
- How
long does it take?
- How
much does a Home Inspection Cost?
- Why should my NEW home be inspected?
- Is
a home inspection a guarantee, warranty or insurance
Home Sellers
- What
is a Pre-Listing Inspection/Consultation?
- Do
I have to repair everything wrong with the house?
- Getting
your home ready for the Home Inspection.
is an Independent Inspector? 
The Independent
Home Inspectors of North America are a group of inspectors that believe there is an inherent conflict of interest when real estate agents selling homes, recommend specific home inspectors to potential home buyers. These "recommended" inspectors often provide minimum standard inspections to please realtors and to maintain their position on the agents "short list" of recommended inspectors. Independent Inspectors do not advertise or promote their business services to realtors and choose instead to rely on referrals from satisfied clients. Independent Inspectors perform thorough inspections and provide a genuine service to protect and educate clients.
primary mission of The Independent Inspectors of North
America is to help promote consumer protection for home
buyers by:
Educating home buyers to the inherent conflict of interest
when agents recommend, influence or control the Home Inspector
selection process.
Working with provincial legislators to enact amendments
to the real estate broker and salespersons licensing laws
to remove the agents involvement from the Home Inspector
selection process.
is a Pre-Purchase Home Inspection? 
A Pre-Purchase home inspection is an objective visual
assessment of the physical structure and systems of a
home at the time of the inspection. It is like a physical
checkup, and will determine if problems are of major or
minor concern, or if conditions affect your personal safety.
When problems or symptoms are found, we will provide recommendations,
or refer you to the appropriate specialist or tradesperson
for further evaluation, repair, or replacement. The goal
of the home inspection is to identify significant expenses
that you will need to budget for in the short term. The
inspection will not be a list of every minor flaw or repair,
and issues like carpet condition or color, scratches on
walls or counters, or the homes style, are not the focus.
As well, the home inspection is not an appraisal, which
determines market value, or a municipal inspection, which
verifies code compliance.
do I need a home inspection? 
Buying a home is a major undertaking. It is to your benefit
to learn as much as you can about the condition of the
property and the need for any major repairs before you
buy. You can minimize unpleasant surprises and difficulties.
The inspection will also point out positive aspects of
the home as well as maintenance that will be necessary
to keep it in good shape. After the inspection you will
have a much clearer understanding of the home.
a house fail the inspection? 
We will not pass or fail a home, but rather describe its
physical condition and indicate what may need repair or
replacement. The ultimate decision to buy or not buy the
home is yours.
I be at the Inspection? 
While it is not necessary for you to be present during
the home inspection, you will benefit most if you can
be at the house during the inspection. It should be said
that the inspection process is an interactive process.
By not attending the inspection you will not receive the
best value from your inspection. We highly recommend and
encourage you to attend the inspection and to ask as many
questions as you like.
does the inspector review the house? 
Our inspections are performed in accordance with the Standards
of Practice of the American Society of Home Inspectors.
The report is an opinion of the present condition of the
property based on a visual inspection of the readily accessible
features. Inspectors are not permitted to drill into walls,
dismantle major components or disrupt the vendors home.
We examine the home using normal operating controls such
as the thermostat, plumbing fixtures, light switches,
and opening readily operable access panels. Our inspection
process normally starts with the roof and exterior. Inside
the home we review the major systems such as the structure,
furnace, air-conditioning, electrical, plumbing and plumbing
fixtures. We operate windows, doors, look under sinks,
in some closets and in the attic. Our approach is to look
at each functional component in the home and evaluate
whether it is able to perform as intended. Emphasis is
placed on major expenses and safety issues. Some less
important deficiencies may be found while looking for
major items, but an all inclusive list of minor flaws
is not provided.
do I call the home inspector? 
A home inspector is typically called right after the contract
or purchase agreement has been signed, and is often available
within a few days. Home buyers should ensure that there
is an inspection clause in the contract, making the purchase
obligation contingent upon the findings of a professional
home inspection.
gets a copy of the Home Inspection Report? 
We provide a copy of our report and a Home Reference Book
to our client only. We cannot discuss our findings or
release a report to anyone unless instructed otherwise
by the client. The inspection report is for the exclusive
use of our client and is not intended for the use of any
other party.
long does it take? 
At Halton Home Inspection Service, we are not rushed,
and we choose to provide a high standard and thorough
service. Typically our Home Inspections take 3 to 4 hours.
Some older, larger and more complex homes may take longer.
much does a Home Inspection Cost? 
A home inspection is a great value in the real estate
transaction. Inspection prices vary by size, age, condition
and complexity of a home. For prices please visit our
online Fee Schedule. Our prices
include our easy-to-read Home Reference Book Reporting
System. A $95. Value.
Why should my NEW home be inspected? 
Many people ask, "Why does a newly constructed home need an inspection?" Many people assume that the builder and contractors are overseen by provincial or municipal officials and that these local inspectors check out the house. This is true to some degree, however, few if any municipal inspectors spend anywhere near enough time to fully check out a home. Further, there is often other problems with new homes that are not necessarily code violations, yet could have serious consequences for the long term health of the home.
FACT - The majority of construction tasks are usually subcontracted out to the lowest bidder, with speed being the most important consideration for the builder. With many separate activities going on at the same time, it's nearly impossible for the builder / contractor to personally monitor all phases of the homes construction.
Every week we identify significant problems and deficiencies at newer homes that are over two years old and are up for sale. In many cases we discover these problems for our clients, the potential buyers of the newer home. Unfortunately for the sellers, a majority of their warranty coverage has now expired and the builder is no longer required to return to the home and correct the problems. Invariably, these defects would have been caught during a "warranty" inspection, and the homeowner could have saved, in some cases, thousands of dollars.
In summary, we encounter a full range of issues with new homes. During the New Home Inspection process we will describe what each problem is, and explain why it is a problem. When considering the value of a professional Halton New Home Inspection, remember, peace of mind can be priceless.
a home inspection a guarantee, warranty or insurance policy?

Due to limitations, and the restrictive nature of the
home inspection, we cannot offer to guarantee a house.
Our reports are an opinion based on a visual inspection
of the accessible features of the home only at the time
of the inspection. A home inspection is not technically
exhaustive and all encompassing. Without dismantling the
house or its systems, there are limitations. Throughout
any inspection, inferences are often drawn which may not
be confirmed by direct observation. Symptoms and clues
may not reveal the extent a problem. It should be understood
that while we can substantially reduce the risk, we cannot
eliminate it, nor do we assume it. Some problems can only
be discovered by living in a house and may not be discovered
during a few hours of a home inspection. For example,
some roofs may only leak during specific weather conditions.
Other problems will only be discovered when carpet is
lifted, when furniture is moved, or when finishes are
removed. The Inspector's role is principally educational,
to provide you with a better understanding of the house.
The inspection is not a guarantee, warranty, or an insurance
policy for the buyer or vendor. We would advise home buyers
to ask the vendor if they are aware of any defects that
may not be detected by a visual inspection.
Home Sellers
is a Pre-Listing Inspection/Consultation? 
The process of the Pre-Listing Inspection is identical
to a Pre-Purchase inspection but the goal of the inspection
is different. The Consultation portion of the Pre-Listing
Inspection is intended to provide you a better understanding
of conditions which the buyers inspector may point out.
This provides an opportunity to resolve, repair or improve
issues putting the house in better selling condition.
This may facilitate a smoother transaction by reducing
negotiating points and bypassing annoying delays.
I have to repair everything wrong with the house? 
While a Pre-Listing Inspection is not intended to be a
"to do" or repair list for the home, many sellers take
advantage of our consultation and do make some improvements
that are recommended buy our inspector. The goal is to
present the home as well maintained and safe. Sellers
are not obligated to repair conditions noted in the report,
nor are they required or expected to produce a flawless
house. A home seller can make repairs as a matter of choice,
not obligation.
your home ready for the Home Inspection. 
the Seller, it is your responsibility to get the home
ready for the inspection. The following suggestions will
help make the house accessible to inspect.
- Closets
need to be cleared that access areas such as attics.
- Access
is required for crawlspaces, electrical panels, sub
panels, furnace, air conditioner, water heaters, etc.
- Excessive
storage should not hinder or prevent inspection of specific
- Utilities
need to be turned on and all gas appliances such as
a gas fireplace should be ready to run. - Keys should
be provided for any locked areas.
- The
inspector should be notified if there are any occupants
of the home that may be sleeping, such as infants.
- Aggressive
or "escape artist" animals should be removed from the
property to allow full, unencumbered access to all areas
of the home.
- The
inspector should be notified of any items that should
not be touched or operated due to condition or damage.
( ex: a faulty sink that leaks whenever turned on )